Privacy and Policy

We care for your privacy and we want to share with you everything we do with your personal data. Throughout White Organics’ Privacy Policy, you will be able to check what rights you have at your disposal, what data we treat and with whom we share it, the period for which the personal data will be stored, and much more. White Organics Trading – located at Central One District, C1 Building, Regus DWTC, Level 1, Dubai World Trade Centre, P.O. Box 114142, Dubai, United Arab Emirates , (hereinafter, “White Organics”), dedicates itself to provide an e-commerce platform to offer you day and night pads to support you throughout your cycle.


This Privacy Policy applies to all users of the website whether they register or not, from the moment they access our platform, no matter where they are located. The use of the services provided by White Organics is conditioned by the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use and the reading of this Policy. If you do not agree to these conditions, please do not use our services.


The collection and processing of data are fundamental to the operation of White Organics. Based on your data our project plan is enhanced and that informational core allows us to provide you the best service. There are various sets of information and data we collect and process, such as:

2.1 Contact and personal information: We collect your name, age, email address, residential address, phone number.

2.2 Demographic information: We may collect your date of birth. We may also collect your age, gender, and zip code.

2.3 Payment data: the payment data is required from White Organics in order to receive the payment for our products. The data required for this purpose is: a Visa, master, or American Express credit or debit card number, expiration date and a security code, PayPal account, or apple pay.

2.4 Billing data: in order to comply with our tax obligations, we must ask you for some billing information such as: name, tax number, address, city, postal code and country.

2.5 Automatically collected data: in addition to the above, we also
automatically collect, through cookies and other methods, a set of data that allows us to know precisely how you use the platform, the country, the date and time of the login, among other information. In addition to this information, we also collected other data such as the I.P. address, the browser you use to access and its version, the language, your device operating system, among others. We would like to emphasize that this type of data collection is mainly intended to facilitate the work of our team whenever you need our support. It’s
the collection of these groups of information that allows the quick resolution of problems on our platforms, without it we are not able to guarantee the functionality of our platform. For more information, please check our cookie policy. All data entered when logging in into the platform is stored and processed. This data allows us to identify you as a user, so we give you access to your account. An example of such data includes login credentials.

2.6 Location data: with the use of the platform, we may access information contained in the GPS of your device. However, this operation is optional and must always be previously agreed upon by the user.


3.1 Improve our services. We use your information to improve our sites. We use your information to customize your experience with us. We also use your information to serve you specific content that is most relevant to you.

3.2 Legal matters. we may use your personal data to comply with court requests, and administrative inspections, among other government legal requirements. In the case of a court request, all personal data will be fully available to the administrative or judicial authorities if our legal team agrees with the legal basis of the case.

3.3 Marketing. we may use your data to send you emails, notifications, text messages and postal mail. We will never do it, however, without your express authorization and you can choose not to subscribe and continue enjoying the rest of our services. In order to provide you the best experience, the processing of such communications may be subject to automated individual
decision-making, including profiling.

3.4 Security purposes. We use your information to protect our company and our customers. We also use your information to protect our sites. We use your information to prevent, discover and investigate violations of our Policy or Terms.

3.5 Billing. we need your billing information in order to comply with our legal and tax obligations. We collect your data when you enter your profile and payment information such as: personal data, the tax identification number, among others already listed above.

3.6 Business and Product Improvement. In order to discover new facts that could help WHITE ORGANICS better understand customer needs and help improve, develop, and evaluate product services, materials, programs, and treatments, WHITE ORGANICS analyzes the information that you have provided for its legitimate interests in business and product improvement.

3.7 Security and contractual purposes. we use your data to perform
behavior analysis in order to prevent or address suspicious or fraudulent conduct on our platforms.


Personal data may be retained for different periods of time depending on its legal relevance or the duration of the contractual relationship. In general, following the request for deletion of the user, the data is securely stored based on the legal framework by 3 years.


This Privacy Policy does not apply to other advertisers or websites. Thus, we are advising you to consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party servers for more detailed information. It may include their practices and instructions about how to opt-out of certain options. You may find a complete list of these Privacy Policies and their links here:

5.1 Analysis of the use of Platform: we resort to applications in order to analyze the use of our platform, such as Shopify, Cloudflare, and Google Analytics.

5.2 Payment Details: payment data is fully processed by external payment services such as Myfatoorah gateway.

5.3 Advertising: we use analysis tools for marketing and advertising purposes; as well as we use Social Media marketing such as Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

5.4 Social Media Login: To register and log in to your customer account, you also have the option of authenticating yourself with your existing profile on Facebook, and finally registering or logging in.
For this purpose, you will find on the registration page or login page the corresponding symbols of the respective providers of the social networks supported by our website. Before a connection to the providers is established, you must expressly agree to the process and transmission of data described below: In order to perform the authentication process for registration and login, your IP address is transmitted to the respective social network provider. We have no influence on the purpose and scope of data collection and on the further processing of the data by the respective provider of the social network. For further information, please read the data protection information of the respective provider Facebook.

5.5 Data storage and processing: storage, processing and backup of your personal data is carried out securely in hosting and computing companies located mainly in the United Arabs Emirates.

5.6 Audits and maintenance: your data might be accessed within the scope of independent quality control and security audits of our services. All audits are subject to confidentiality and are closely monitored by us.

5.7 Security: White Organics has security measures in place to protect
customer information. White Organics takes reasonable precautions to protect against the loss, misuse, and unauthorized access of your personal information under our control. Because the security of your personal information is a high priority, we have taken numerous steps to ensure that it is processed confidentially, accurately, and securely. The Site uses encryption technology, such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, which is supported by most modern Internet browsers. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we employ commercially reasonable security measures to protect data and seek
to partner with service providers which do the same, we cannot guarantee the security of any information transmitted to the Site and are not responsible for the actions of any third parties that may receive any such information. Account Information and other password-protected areas of the Site can be accessed only with a valid username and password. Each password owner is responsible
or keeping the password confidential and safe, as we have no control or responsibility for this type of user information. If the password may have been stolen or might otherwise be misused, it is the responsibility of the subject user to notify us immediately for further action.


We are pleased to help you. If you have any questions regarding this policy, you can find us at White Organics LLC. Dubai, United Arab Emirates,